
RIP Huguette Clark

c.m: Unknown

Huguette Marcelle Clark (June 9, 1906 - May 24, 2011), multi-millionaire heiress, was the youngest daughter of former U.S. Senator and industrialist William A. Clark.

Clark became the subject of public fascination and police investigation after a century of life as a recluse, even registered under a fake name for 22 years at the hospital at which she died in New York City. One of her attorneys represented her for 20 years without meeting her face to face, instead talking through a closed door. She distrusted even her family, often speaking in French around them at the hopes that they would not understand her conversations. Her empty mansions, and a criminal investigation into the handling of her fortune, were the subject of a series of reports last year on msnbc.com. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38810137/ns/business-huguette_clark_mystery/)

She had been living at the hospital under pseudonyms — the latest was Harriet Chase — in a guarded room with full-time private nurses. Her hospital room number didn't even exist — outside her room on the 3rd floor, a card with the fake room number "1B" and the name "Chase" was taped over the actual room number.

Sources: Gawker, MSNBC, The NY Post, Wiki

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